FACEBOOK HACKING (Sniffing with Wireshark)
To sniff the caches and cookies, you will required an application named Wireshark. If you are using Kali Linux then Wireshark is default software provided on it. If you are using any other Linux version or windows then download from given link. You will require one well known browser named Mozilla Firefox. Iceweasel is also a part of Mozilla Firefox present in Linux versions. Download these requirement.
Wireshark: Download by clicking here.
Mozilla Firefox: Download by clicking here.
This method works only on same network like LAN or Wi-Fi networks. Follow these steps to hack the Facebook account.
Step 1: Start capturing on Wireshark.
Step 2: Open your command line (In windows, press Win+R and type cmd. In Linux press Ctrl+T). Type command ping www.facebook.com
Step 3: Now search all packets of HTTP GET for cookies in Wireshark.
Step 4: You will find 10-15 values. Copy all cookies in notepad.
Step 5: Open Mozilla Firefox. Go to Tools and open Cookie editor.
Step 6: Add each cookie to your cookie folder using Cookie editor.
Now close Cookie editor and open Facebook, you will find yourself logged into the victims Facebook account.
All done...........Enjoy hacking.........
All done...........Enjoy hacking.........